Access to Improved Sanitation and Electricity
Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.
Palmera will build 5 sanitation facilities and provide 35 solar lamps for families in the Parapankandal East and West Grama Sevaka divisions of the Manthai West region, Mannar.
During the war, a significant amount of sanitation facilities were destroyed. Households are currently forced to use unhygienic environments leading to a higher chance of disease. Women in the community are at risk of attacks when accessing remote facilities.
Palmera has targeted its project to those families with a large number of women, and that are particularly vulnerable to security or safety threats. Without adequate electricity in the region, many children of IDP returnees are significantly limited in their ability to completing their studies after dark. These results in reduced engagement in education and can limit future livelihood opportunities for these children. Palmera will provide 35 solar lamps out of 60 to be provided under the program, for families with children who are studying.
- Provides 5 hygienic sanitation facilities which will improve health outcomes for impacted families (OfERR is building a total of 10 for the community)
- The sanitation facilities will be targeted to those families with a large number of women, which will reduce the risk of potential attacks on women accessing remote facilities.
- Solar lamps will enable students in the community to study after dark, improving their opportunities for education.