Rylan and Maliah’s Birthday
Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.
This year for our birthdays Maliah and I would love to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
We are lucky to have all our needs and wants met, but there are lots of people all around the world who are not so lucky.
When I turned 6, with the help of everyone who celebrated my birthday we raised money for Oxfam, and it was really nice to see how we helped a community.
This year we would like to help people in Sri Lanka, and help kids just like us. We have chosen to give to the Creating Leaders Project through Palmera.
Thank you for your generosity, and celebrating our birthday with us.
Rylan and Maliah
About the Project:
In Sri Lanka most rural children attend school, but many will remain unemployed after. This is because traditional schooling may create pathways for university but with admissions only available for 2% the school year population, it means most will miss out.
For these kids, most of whom live in rural communities, there are little skills invested during their school years to make them successful for their future.
Palmera runs an important 2 year programme with children and youth that builds leadership, collaboration and entrepreneurship skills to ensure that all children can have a bright future beyond schooling.
Your donation will make this programme possible.
For more information click here.