Liam’s First Birthday
On June 25th 2020, our sweet baby Liam was born. Getting pregnant was a long journey for us and so we were very thankful for the birth of our little miracle boy. From the moment he arrived, Liam has been an expressive and curious child. Over the last year, we have watched on with wonder as he has grown into a little independent person. He is notorious for his stern expression and serious face, but with mum and dad he is often in fits of giggles. He has learnt to share the attention with the doggies, bullying them with aggressive affection and dropping food off his table to see which one will eat it. If you leave him alone for a minute, he’s often in the dog bowls or climbing up the pantry shelves. Every day we delight in how he learns something new, and each milestone is a treasured memory. We never fail to remember how fortunate we are to have him.
This past year has been a year of perspective: it has seen us have a baby in the middle of a pandemic and reminded us of what we value. We have seen how fortunate we have been in Australia. Liam has shelter, food and an abundance of love at the age of one, far more than many other children have.
We have a heart for Sri Lanka, where Liam derives part of his heritage from. We ask instead of giving a present to Liam who already has so much, that instead you would give that money to Palmera, a charity close to our hearts. Your contributions will support Palmera’s Graduating the Poor project. This project identifies the absolute poorest and work with them over two years to graduate them out of poverty.
We hope that in this small way, we can help change someone’s life for the better.
Thank you for your support.