Brown Boss Babes – Girls Night In
Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.
It’s time for our next BBB event!
An evening to dress up in your PJs, fill your bellies with comfort food and minds/hearts with just as much soul food
Think girl chat. Hot cocoa. Plenty of D&M convos on empowerment, life, love, boys, girls and all things inbetween, while networking/connecting with your fellow fierce females.
As the event will be ticketed at a small fee (with all profits going towards Palmera). We have always admired Palmera’s work and wanted to support their new project Graduating The Poor. This project will aim to identify the 100 poorest families in the North and help them and their families and gives them the tools they need to move from struggle to sufficiency.
Show us your interest by RSVPing asap and purchasing tickets through our eventbrite page. This allows us to adequately accomodate food, space and activities for you all.
Please share with anyone and everyone you think will be interested in connecting with like-minded women, exchanging stories, exchanging life stories/experiences and having a great night in general!
Follow us over on instagram at @BrownBossBabesAU to find out more about us, daily inspiring posts, BTS content and news on our current and future events!